As we are all practicing #HealthyatHome during these unprecedented times, I know there are a lot of mixed emotions and feelings being tossed about. Over at the Bailey house, there is a lot of joy, laughter, tears and frustration....and that is typically seen within the span of just a few minutes. Every day. Lots of us are working from home while also trying to help our kids continue learning and doing school work, cooking more than ever, cleaning, tidying (oh the constant tidying that doesn't seem to get us anywhere!), breaking up fights, trying to find a few moments alone, but also trying our best to soak in this time with our family and enjoy it as much as we can.

In the past, I have found myself saying "I'll take some pictures once the house is clean...I wouldn't want people seeing how messy it is" or "I wish Em would wear that cute dress instead of that ratty t-shirt and mismatching shorts!" when I think about getting out my camera. I have found myself too busy with all the things in my mind.

But recently, I have tried to challenge myself to just keep the camera out. I'm trying to look for the little moments that I want to remember about this time together. I want to capture my kids just as they are instead of waiting for them to look how I want them to look or do what I want them to do. I want to invite you to do this with me!

Take photos at home. Here are some "TIPS" from a pro:

  1. Get out your camera-whether it's your phone camera, a point and shoot camera, dslr or film! Get it out and keep it in reach.
  2. Be present. Try to see each moment with your family as a gift and an adventure. The kids are painting and instead of painting the paper you gave them, they're painting THEMSELVES? Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool. Grab that camera and capture it. Laugh instead of cry. Or laugh until you cry! Maybe join them in the fun and paint yourself too?
  3. Look for the light. Watch where the light streams in your house in the morning. Set your little one right in that light. Give them a toy to play with and snap some photos. There is something so inviting and peaceful about the morning light that brings joy and hope. If you have an older child, place them near a window and have fun taking their portrait. Use that time to really look at them and memorize their features. Use this slowed down time to talk to them & encourage them.
  4. Take self portraits OR give the camera to your kids and let them take pictures of you!
  5. Set the self-timer on your camera and jump in the photo with your kids! Have a dance party & capture the fun.
  6. Take photos of the normal stuff. Your child reading a book. Your kids running through the yard. Your spouse grilling hot dogs. You, drinking coffee in your favorite chair.
  7. Make a folder or album for your photos so you can keep them organized.
  8. Don't just put every single photo in the album. Filter through them and pick your favorites
  9. Print your favorites! Make a photo book or put prints into a photo album. Then you and your whole family can easily look back on this sweet time together as often as you want.

Basically, have fun & make great memories together! You'll be glad you did.
